Elemental Chronicle
Every entity in this world is connected. All have a law of karma, but the story will never end. This is from insight of true sight, walking across the dimensions of space and time.
- Earth :
In the chronicles, it is said that in time out of memory the God fashioned here a paradise, yet Man was ill-satisfied and sought to cultivate the lands beyond. The soil was thus enriched, yet this gave rise to differences, differences to greed, and greed to war. The God wept and raged and cleft the land, casting men into the gaping abyss.
The strength of the earth carries us, does naught but be under all, languid, resistant, a mass against which the spirit is strained and, eventually, broken. Only the power of wind may tempt the indolent soil into action. The earth, now called, cares for you. For you, heart-cleft, and for you alone will it open and reveal the rich electrum it holds.
- Water :
The God gave water to Man to purify and cleanse pollution, and they made the rains fall to purify and cleanse the land. The clean land gave rise to flowers and plants, nurturing Man. Yet Man continued to pollute himself and the land, trusting ever in the gods to cleanse what damage he had wrought, so the God sent down a deluge until the land was sunk in deep waters.
The power of water is the power of benediction. Blessing to all it gives, yet it covers all, jealously wanting for itself. Wield the roaring flame, wither the water’s lust until its desire is parched and dry. The water, once withered, will be reborn as tears, and when those tears flow, thence will you find the shining electrum.
- Wind :
To aid the weak, the gods sent knowledge on the winds. The winds loft the seed of flower and tree, tell of the approach of beasts, and carry the voice of an ally. But Man cut down the trees, slew the beasts, and screamed in the waste he had created. The gods sorrowed and raged, and sent a great vortex to flay the world of Man to dust.
The Wind is fickle, going where it will, brushing like maiden’s hair on the cheek, bewitching men, and holding them captive. Take the wild wind, traveler, and give it virtue through fortitude of immobilizing Earth. For wind, once frozen, is a promise. And on the day that promise is broken, will it surrender unto you shining electrum.
- Fire :
When the God looked down on Man, shivering in his ignorance, they bestowed upon him the gift of fire. So did the God give both warmth and knowledge to Man. Gradually, Man grew wiser, and made many things. Yet, when war came, he used the fire of the God for the taking of life, and the gods became angry, scorching the world.
To prevent the ne’er-sated hunger of flame from consuming all, drink only from that water which will ne’er parch, and thereby shall it be sated. Only then shall the shining electrum be revealed at last beneath burnt-weary ash.
- Ice :
Long ago, the God looked down upon the warring peoples of this land and were displeased. Wishing to contain their violence, the God arrested time upon the battlefield, thinking to imprison those who fought there. But violence would not be so contained. It spread beyond its confines, contaminating other lands, and soon conflict was rampant once again. In grief, the God made a scourging blizzard to rage, and when the blizzard lifted, men looked to the skies and found they were alone.
Madman! Seal all you love in ice, yet know that in that ice you will see not your own reflection, but that of others. Jealousy! With raging thunderbolt held high, take the fickle ice captive. Only then will your heart be freed, and from within the ice, the shining electrum be revealed.
- Thunder :
Tales of the people speak oft of the wrathful God visiting man with lightning, and the remorseful God weeping the rain that follows. For this did peasants once light fires, sending smoke up to the heavens in hopes it would cause the eyes of the God to water, irrigating their crops. Yet these fires did naught but incur once more the God wrath, and in a rage, they sent rainless lightning down to blast and scorch those who had offended.
How better to quell the lightning’s blind rage, to still the mindless roar of her answering thunder, than by drawing a cold veil of ice around it, cold enough to freeze passion itself? So will the dark clouds part and let shine through a light as brilliant as the sun: the light of electrum.
- Light :
In ages past, the God took to the air and from here shone with a brilliant light, so that Man might not walk forever in shadow. The light drove out cold, thinned fear’s grim pall, and purified that which was corrupt and evil. Yet Man was not pleased. He grasped for the light, seeking to make it his own. He wanted to be a god. So the God quit the heavenly seat, and created the holy light, whereby to judge Man with a fierce and holy righteousness. Thus did Man seize light, and in so doing, lose the favor of the God.
The power of holiness is salvation. The power of holiness is its faith. Worship it, and it will be an absolute. Worship it, and it will know no doubt. Yet strike it down with the power of darkness, and its eyes will open, and it shall know fear. Holiness, fearful, shall surely offer the shining electrum to you.
- Dark :
The God gave Man the darkness so that he might sleep in peace, wrapping it around him as a blanket against the harsh light of day. The darkness reminds us of death, and thus, of sweet life. The darkness gives tone to the world, rich and varied. Yet Man learned to hide in the shadows whence to do evil, and he summoned demons from the darkness’s depths, mocking the God’ work. So did the God fashion the darkness, that Man might fear the darkness, sowing in his heart the terror of the night.
The power of darkness is a mighty power. Yet it is as arrogant as it is tremendous, ever seeking to depose holiness and rule alone. Shine a holy light upon it until there is no shadow left in which to hide, for only then can the arrogant darkness be tamed. The darkness will swear fealty to you, and offer up the shining electrum to your hands.